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6 Mandelbärli Original in a box 240g

CHF 15.30
From   50 pz CHF   14.70
From   100 pz CHF   14.40
From   250 pz CHF   14.10

A six-pack with a difference: 6 Mandelbärli Original, beautifully packaged.

6 Mandelbärli Original, beautifully packaged in a cardboard tray, wrapped in cellophane and a sleeve and enclosed in an attractive box.


Our almonds come exclusively from Spain and our hazelnuts from Turkey.

Shelf life

28 days following date of production

Allergy information

Gluten, eggs, milk, almonds, hazelnuts


Sugar (CH), egg white (CH), butter (CH), wheat flour (CH), almonds (ES) 11%, hazelnuts, bitter almonds, natural aroma

Nutritional values

100g contains: 507 kcal (2115 kJ), 31g fat, 47g carbohydrate, 8.1g protein, 0.10g salt